Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pregnancy Update - Week 28

   Today I had my week 28 appointment with Dr. H, and it was more eventful than past appointments:

   First, week 28 equals gestational diabetes screening test.  I choose the orange stuff to drink over the fruit punch and lemon-lime.  Not really sure there's a difference, but I appreciate the choice.  One hour later, my blood was drawn.  Four hours later, I received the results - needed to be below 140, 70-129 is normal range, and I was at 116.  No gestational diabetes here!  Celebratory snack = reese's and a triple berry smoothie.

   Second, week 28 also means strange tape measure method of determining gestational age.  Seems a bit unofficial to me, considering pregnant women come in all shapes and sizes.  Dr. H quoted a study between OBs, ultrasounds, and mothers with three or more children, saying that the mothers were by far the most accurate in telling weight and gestational age of their babies and the other methods were just educated guesses.  Today I should be 27w6d and I measured 27 cm or 27 weeks.  Close enough for me.

  Lastly, James had a strong heart beat of 145, which accelerated slightly when he kicked the doppler (again).  I'm at 24 lbs total weight gain, and I'm not completely sure I can stay within the recommended 25-35 lbs, but should be pretty close.

   On a side note, for any pregnant ladies out there, specifically those hitting their third trimester in the summer, I highly recommend Old Navy maternity dresses (in pic above) - cute and inexpensive, in my opinion.  Only problem is the majority of their maternity options are only available online.

1 comment:

  1. Old Navy is also a great source for baby boy clothes! =)
