Friday, June 10, 2011

Pregnancy Update - Week 34

   Well, the last 2 weeks have been eventful, to say the least.  A pleasant Saturday afternoon of dog walking over Memorial Day weekend resulted in an overnight visit to Regions Hospital and what Patric and I are now calling our "dry run" of the labor and delivery process.  The short story is that Patric and I were walking Jackson and Sam back from lake/park by our house and another dog came running at us from a house across the street.  Apparently pregnancy brain caused me to forget that I was pregnant and lacking any sense of balance whatsoever, because I bent down to grab the leash on the random dog to keep him away from Jackson and Sam and tumbled to the ground.  We called HealthPartners' Baby Line and as a precautionary measure, they sent us to Regions for a 4-hour observation.  During those 4 hours, I started having contractions every three minutes (which I had no idea I was having!), so I got to stay another 20 hours until Sunday afternoon.  Luckily, all the blood tests and next 20 hours of observation passed without incident and both James and I are just fine.  Now Patric and I know EXACTLY what the room and monitoring process is like, and what to bring with us on our next official labor and delivery visit!

  Otherwise, I must comment on how James and my Dr. are not communicating clearly.  At my last appointment, Dr. H mentioned that while James should still continue to be active, his movements should be smaller and less jab-like due to the lack of space in his little home.  I don't think he got the memo.  He seems to think that while it appears there is less space in there, if he kicks or punches harder, he can create the space he needs.   Good for him, not so great for me, but if the kicks and punches means he stays in there for another 4-6 weeks, I can manage.  Below is my 34 week pic!



  1. Henry did the same thing - he pretty much pummeled my insides right up until the very end. Maybe it's a little boy thing? I would like to say that it changed after he was born, but I've lost track of the number of times he's smacked me in the face while he is nursing. But at least after James is born, he can share some of the kicking and punching with your husband : )
