Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Four Month Birthday, James!

Happy Four Month Birthday, James!

This past week we had our four month appointment with Dr. B, and here are James' stats:

Height: 25.5" (his chart now says 2' 1.5" now that we are over 24") (75th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs, 10 oz (67th percentile)
Head: 42 cm/16.5" (45th percentile).
     Head is still misshapen but slowly getting better.  Patric took James to the Lopsided Head Clinic a few weeks ago, and we determined that a cranial cap would be best.  We had to wait until he hit 42 cm to get the first helmet, so he has an appointment on Monday to get fitted.  If you see any cute stickers for his helmet, let us know!
     Head is also WAY less bobbly than just a few weeks ago.  Look for a future post on James kinda sitting up.
Clothing: 9 month sleepers, 6 month other outfits.  Size 2 diapers but we are probably going to size 3 this week.  
Food: Mostly milk/formula with a bit of rice cereal.  The rice cereal really hasn't added anything, and sometimes actually messes up his eating schedule, so we really haven't stuck with it.  Otherwise, he's eating 6-7 7 oz bottles per day!  So much for the doctors note that infants his age should eat between 25 and 40 oz.  
Other tricks: James is almost a supported sitter.  He's been rolling over from front to back, but just added rolling over from back to front this week.  He's rolling EVERYWHERE, so much so that we are wondering if he's secretly crawling and just not telling us yet.  He starts in one location and is a few feet away just a minute or so later.  Now I understand the purpose of crib bars.  And finally, just yesterday he found out that sucking on his feet is WAY more fun than sucking on his hands.  

Here are some pics:

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